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An Introduction to Air Pollution

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All pollution is taught at length in environmental science, engineering, life sciences, and social science courses. The syllabi of these courses are as vast and varied as the dimentions of this global problem and consequently there is ever increasing need of information on sources, effects and control of air pollution.

The present book is an attempt in this direction and has been particularly written to fill up the visible gaps in the information required by various users in India. Having taught this subject for over two and a half decades, the authors were constantly conscious of a comprehensive book in this field.

The book has 20 chapters and an appendix dealing extensively on history of air pollution, primary and secondary air pollutants, industrial sources of air pollution, automobiles generated air pollution, natural air pollution, the effects of air pollution on plants and man as well as on property and cultural heritage. The global effects like ozone depletion and green house effects are discussed incorporating most latest developments in the field. Air pollution meteorology is discussed in considerable detail. Subject of Air Pollution has received attention especially after supreme court directive for states to start ‘Environmental Science’ course in undergraduate colleges of all universities in India.
General n Primary Air Pollutants, 2. Atmospheric Reactions and Formation of Secondary Pollutants, 3. Industrial Sources of Air Pollution, 4. Air Pollution From Automobiles, 5. Natural and Other Sources of Air Pollution, 6. Effects of Air Pollutants on Plants and Microorganisms, 7. Effects of Air Pollutants on Man and Animals, 8. Air Pollution Effects on Physical Structures and Materials, 9. Ozone Layer Depletion n Air Pollution Meteorology,
10. Climate Change and Greenhouse Effect, 11. Acid Rain, 12. Air Pollution Control, 13. Sampling and Analysis of Air Pollutants, 14. Air Quality and Stack Monitoring, 15. Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Pollutants, 16. Air Quality Management, 17. Air Pollution Legislation
About the Authors
Dr. R.K. Trivedy
is Professor and Head, Department of Environmental Science, University of Pune, Pune. Dr. Trivedy has 28 years of research experience in the field of fresh water ecology, aquatic weed ecology and management, biomonitoring of water pollution and wastewater treatment.

He has published over 100 research papers in reputed National and International Journals and has authored / edited 30 books. He has been editing the prestigious International journal - Pollution Research, Journal of Industrial Pollution Control, Ecology, Environment and Conservation and Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences.

Detalles del Libro

Publicación digital
dic. 2020

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