Publicación digital

Descorchados 2023 Guide to the wines of Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Peru & Uruguay

€17,92 EUR
$20,00 USD

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Descorchados is celebrating its 25th anniversary. It began as a guide to Chilean wines and as of 2010, it has covered the wines of South America in what is now the region’s most complete wine guide. This year we have tasted 5,159 wines, of which we have recommended 4,130 from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Peru, and Uruguay in this edition, thereby presenting a wide-angle HD photograph of South America’s current wine scene. In Descorchados 2023 you’ll find reviews of more than 600 wineries and their recommended wines as well as the latest news about each country and detailed maps of their primary terroirs, plus rankings of the best wines listed by variety and origin, as well as the best values for money that we have found in our tastings this year. Descorchados is an essential tool for those who want to know more about the reality of South American wine and the people who are the major driving forces behind it.

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Publicación digital
may. 2023

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