Publicación digital

Digital Electronics : Logic and Design

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It comprehensively covers all the basics of digital electronics, its logic and design, along with real time applications. The concept of digital electronics is demystified in a lucid manner. Based on the author's extensive experience in teaching digital electronics to undergraduates, the book translates theory directly into practice and presents the essential information in a compact and digestible style. The book has been systematically organized and assist the students to understand the fundamentals of digital electronics, using simple but constructive language and solved examples. This book is a self-sufficient resource for GATE aspirants as well as cracking the interview. This is essential reading for any electronic or electrical engineering student new to digital electronics and requiring a succinct yet comprehensive introduction.

Salient Features:·

Basics of digital electronics are elucidated and elaborated.·

More than 450 solved examples along with more than 300 practice questions.·

Rules for various conversion and design problems.·

Previous year GATE questions.·

Real time examples and applications of digital circuits and systems.Digital design using Verilog HDL.


Number System
2.Combinational Logic System
3.Combinational Logic Circuits
4.Sequential Logic Systems and Circuits
5.Digital Logic Families
6.Semiconductor Memories
7.Programmable Logic Devices
8.A/D and d/A Converters
9.Introduction to Verilog hdl Program for Digital Circuit

About the Author: Dr. Cherry Bhargava is working as an Associate professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Symbiosis International (Deemed) University, Pune, India. She has more than 14 years of teaching and research experience. She is PhD (Artificial Intelligence) from State University IKGPTU, M.Tech (VLSI Design & CAD) from Thapar University and B.Tech (Electronics and Instrumentation) from Kurukshetra University. She is GATE qualified with All India Rank 428. 

She has authored about 50 technical research papers in SCI, Scopus indexed quality journals and national/international conferences. She has Eighteen books related to reliability, artificial intelligence and digital electronics to her credit. She has registered six copyrights and filed Twenty patents. Her four Australian Patents and one Indian Patent is granted. She is recipient of various national and international awards for being outstanding faculty in engineering and excellent researcher. She is an active reviewer and editorial member of various prominent SCI and Scopus indexed journals. She is a lifetime member of IET, IAENG, NSPE, IAOP, WASET and reliability research group. Her area of expertise includes reliability of electronic systems, digital electronics, VLSI design, artificial intelligence and related technologies.

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Publicación digital
dic. 2020

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