Earth and Atmospheric Disaster Management Natural and Man-made
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In recent decades it is observed there is a rise in disasters all over the world and attributed to global warming and climate change. In order to reduce the adverse effect of natural disaster events and to educate the people over the world how to minimize the losses particularly life, world body (UN) declared the decade 1990-1999 as “International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction”. As a result, the subject Disaster Management is being introduced in university syllabus. The present book designed to serve as a text book/reference book for various courses in various educational curriculums. It meets both the needs of teachers, professionals, scientific community and Govt. executives.
· Environment-atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, Biosphere
· General aspects of Disaster Management plan
Meteorological, Hydrological disasters-cyclones, floods, monsoons, droughts, heat /cold waves, thunderstorms, tornadoes, dust /snow storms.
· Geological hazards-earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, avalanches, Tsunamis
· Space based satellite observations to detect and mitigate natural hazards/disasters adverse effects and use in communication
· Radar and its use in detection of cyclones, Tornadoes etc.
· Role of IMD, CWC, NGRI, NRSC, Defence/Air force, Health dept. ministry of Navy, Redcross, NGOs and local authority
· General Aviation hazards and safety measures.
Air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution
· Natural Resources-air, water, soil, solid wastes
· Chemical hazards, Radiation hazards
· Disaster Management act 2005
· NDMAP, NDMA, Role of central and state Govts.
Contents: 1. The Atmosphere2. The Oceans3. Environment4. Food Chain5. Environmental Degradation and Protection6. Disaster Management Plan (DMP) – General7. Cyclones and their Hazard Potential8. India Meteorological Department and Cyclone Warnings in India9. Cyclone Disaster Management–Plan10. Action Plan for Cyclone Disaster Management11. Role of Different Institutions in Natural Disaster Management12. The Role of Defence and other Services in Disaster Management13. Floods14. Drought15. Soils16. Earthquakes17. Hazards Associated with Convective Clouds18. Environmental Pollution19. Aviation Hazards and Safety Measures20. Modern Aids of Communication and Detection21. A Glance at Disaster Management Act‐2005
About the Author:Navale Pandharinath, M.Sc., (Maths), M.Sc. (Statistics) is a retired Director of India Meteorological Dept. He has undergone departmental advanced training in Meteorology at Pune. He has rich experience in Aviation, Non-Aviation weather forecasting, cyclone warnings, flood met-work and Agri-met-work. He has published about forty papers in Mausam and Vayumandal departmental journals and in National and International seminars and symposium. He has published five books-A Course in Dynamic Meteorology, The Science of Weather and Environment, Aviation Meteorology, Earth and Atmospheric Disasters Management and An Introduction to Ocean Dynamics. After retirement he worked as Ground Instructor Meteorology in A.P. Aviation Academy and Flytech Aviation Academy Hyderabad. He has worked as a Guest Faculty (2013-2016) University Centre for Earth and Space Science at University of Hyderabad.
· Environment-atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, Biosphere
· General aspects of Disaster Management plan
Meteorological, Hydrological disasters-cyclones, floods, monsoons, droughts, heat /cold waves, thunderstorms, tornadoes, dust /snow storms.
· Geological hazards-earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, avalanches, Tsunamis
· Space based satellite observations to detect and mitigate natural hazards/disasters adverse effects and use in communication
· Radar and its use in detection of cyclones, Tornadoes etc.
· Role of IMD, CWC, NGRI, NRSC, Defence/Air force, Health dept. ministry of Navy, Redcross, NGOs and local authority
· General Aviation hazards and safety measures.
Air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution
· Natural Resources-air, water, soil, solid wastes
· Chemical hazards, Radiation hazards
· Disaster Management act 2005
· NDMAP, NDMA, Role of central and state Govts.
Contents: 1. The Atmosphere2. The Oceans3. Environment4. Food Chain5. Environmental Degradation and Protection6. Disaster Management Plan (DMP) – General7. Cyclones and their Hazard Potential8. India Meteorological Department and Cyclone Warnings in India9. Cyclone Disaster Management–Plan10. Action Plan for Cyclone Disaster Management11. Role of Different Institutions in Natural Disaster Management12. The Role of Defence and other Services in Disaster Management13. Floods14. Drought15. Soils16. Earthquakes17. Hazards Associated with Convective Clouds18. Environmental Pollution19. Aviation Hazards and Safety Measures20. Modern Aids of Communication and Detection21. A Glance at Disaster Management Act‐2005
About the Author:Navale Pandharinath, M.Sc., (Maths), M.Sc. (Statistics) is a retired Director of India Meteorological Dept. He has undergone departmental advanced training in Meteorology at Pune. He has rich experience in Aviation, Non-Aviation weather forecasting, cyclone warnings, flood met-work and Agri-met-work. He has published about forty papers in Mausam and Vayumandal departmental journals and in National and International seminars and symposium. He has published five books-A Course in Dynamic Meteorology, The Science of Weather and Environment, Aviation Meteorology, Earth and Atmospheric Disasters Management and An Introduction to Ocean Dynamics. After retirement he worked as Ground Instructor Meteorology in A.P. Aviation Academy and Flytech Aviation Academy Hyderabad. He has worked as a Guest Faculty (2013-2016) University Centre for Earth and Space Science at University of Hyderabad.
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