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Elementary Pharmaceutical Calculations

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Calculation in pharmacy is wide and broad-based starting from dispensing to manufacturing, quality control, research and development in pharmaceutical industries. This is an important subject area for any student pursuing pharmacy course irrespective of level of the course. Thus, the students during their course of studies and pharmaceutical technologists during their work need to know calculations related to (1) Physical and chemical properties of active ingredients and excipients, (2) Rate of absorption, (3) Biological activity, and (4) Rate of degradation of the drug substances. There is need to have such book on pharmaceutical calculations that can fulfill the needs of Institutions as well as industries. The book, Elementary Pharmaceutical Calculations has been designed so that it can meet the needs of students. The content of the book has been divided into 13 chapters. Each chapter begins with introductory description of concept, relevant formulas with derivation and then examples to explain how the formula can be used to solve problems; finally at the end there are problems given to solve.
Systems of Units 2. Measurements of Mass and Volume 3. Fundamental Calculations 4. Density, Specific Gravity and Specific Volume 5. Calculation Related to Capsule Filling, Suppository Molds, Dry Powders and Doses 6. Calculation involving Isotonic Buffer Solutions 7. Calculation involving Electrolyte Solutions 8. IV Infusions, Enternal and Parenteral Nutrition, BMI, Food Nutrition Level 9. Bioavailability and Pharmacokinetics 10. Radiopharmaceuticals 11. Calculations Related to Plant Extracts and Drug Molecule 12. Biostatistics 13. Dissolution Tests
About the Author:
D. K. Tripathi
, a Professor of Pharmaceutics, has been working as Principal at Rungta College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Bhilai since 2009. He is presently the Dean of Faculty in Pharmacy of Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University (CSVTU). He has completed his Graduation, Post graduation and Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacy from Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
  He possesses about 40 years of professional experience in industry, academic, research, and administration. He has worked in different pharmaceutical industries and in various educational institutions. In Eastern and Central India, he is well known. He has authored a book, Introduction to Pharmaceutics which is enlisted in the syllabus of CSVTU.
  He has more than 100 publications in different Journals, National and International of repute. He has supervised research projects at post graduate as well as at Ph.D level. He is an approved Supervisor and Examiner of different Universities. He is a life member of IPA, ISTE, APTI and Indian Society of Pharmacognosy.

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Publicación digital
ene. 2021

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