
Fundamentals of Clinical Pharmacy Practice

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Clinical Pharmacy is a concept emphasizing the safe and appropriate use of drugs in patients. It places the emphasis of drugs on the patient, not on the product. Clinical Pharmacy is concerned with all those services provided by pharmacists in an attempt to provide rational drug therapy that is safe, appropriate and cost effective. Salient Features: • Written in lucid and easy understanding • Contents of the book covers the curriculum of undergraduates and postgraduates • Covers 20 topics including Clinical Pharmacy, Ambulatory Pharmacy, Patient Counseling etc., for comprehensive coverage of the subject
1. Introduction to Clinical Pharmacy 2. Ambulatory Pharmacy 3. Patient Counseling 4. Medication History Review 5. Ward Round Participation 6. Monitoring Drug Therapy 7. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 8. Drug Utilization Review 9. Drug Information Services 10. Drug-Drug Interactions 11. Drug – Food / Herb Interactions 12. Drug – Lab Interactions 13. Medication Errors 14. Adverse Drug Reactions and Management 15. Total Parenteral Nutrition 16. Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation 17. Technology and Automation 18. Pharmacoeconomics 19. Pharmacoepidemiology 20. Clinical Laboratory Tests and Their Significance
About the Author
D.Sudheer Kumar M Pharma, MBA is having rich and varied experience in the profession of pharmacy. He worked as a Community Pharmacist in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman for about 3 years and as a Clinical Pharmacist for a 700 bedded Saudi based American Hospital for 2 years. Mr.Kumar also worked as a Product Executive and Product Manager for Tamilnadu Dadha Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Chennai and later for Sun Pharmaceuticals, Mumbai. Later he established a Pharmacy College under the name Care College of Pharmacy at Warangal. Mr. Kumar is having more than 10 years of teaching experience as Professor of Pharmacy. Dr.J.Krishnaveni M Pharma, Ph D worked for Dr.Reddy's labs for 2.5 years in their Research wing and later took up teaching as her career. She is having about 14 years of teaching experience and is presently working as Asst.Professor, at University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kakatiya University, Warangal,AP Dr.P.Manjula M Pharma, Ph D worked for Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals, New Delhi for a short while before taking up teaching. She is having about 14 years of teaching experience and presently working as Principal and Professor of Pharmacology at Care College of Pharmacy, Warangal,AP.

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nov. 2020

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