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Gender Discrimination in Football. Building a Toolbox Toward Gender Equity in the Beautiful Game.

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The importance of gender and gender-based categorizations cling to the world of sport like no other realm of culture or society in the twenty-first century. While presented as natural, logical, and innate, the differential treatment of men and women and boys and girls in the world of sport is largely the product of over a century of global socialization intent on preserving sport as a male-dominated pastime, lifestyle, and avenue of opportunity.

As the most popular sport worldwide, football (or soccer) may be the poster child for lingering gender disparities in sport. Despite women’s presence on the pitch since the turn of the twentieth century, governments and football associations have proactively suppressed their ability to participate in the game through gender stereotypes, underinvestment, precarious professional opportunities, and disrespect.

This report describes the various manifestations of gender-based discrimination that shape the game of football today, the role the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) plays in perpetuating this discrimination, and existing avenues for remedy (or lack thereof). The report concludes with key takeaways from the fight for gender equality to date, with an eye toward building a more just world of sport in the years to come.

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Publicación digital
abr. 2021

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