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Greenhouse technology and Management

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The need to protect the crops against unfavourable environmental conditions led to the development of Protected Agriculture.
Greenhouse Technology is the most practical method of achieving these objectives. The subject is a conglomeration of various disciplines of Agriculture, combined with the knowledge of basic sciences and engineering.
 This book covers all the aspects of designing, operation and economics of Greenhouses.

Features :·

Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of planning, construction and designing of different types of Greenhouses· Each chapter is augmented with numerical examples with solutions and review questions.· Additional Chapters on protected agricultural techniques are covered along with economics of Greenhouses.
Introduction, 2. Classification of Greenhouses, 3. Plant Response to Greenhouse Environment, 4. Environmental Control Inside Greenhouse,5. Greenhouse Ventilation and Computerised Control Systems, 6. Planning of Greenhouse Facility, 7. Greenhouse Construction Materials, 8. Greehouse Covering Materials, 9. Construction of Typical Greenhouses, 10. Construction of Low Cost Wooden Framed Plastic Film Greenhouses, 11. Greenhouse Cooling, 12. Greenhouse Heating, 13. Environmental Requirement of Crops and Pest Control, 14. Greenhouse Irrigation Systems, 15. Greenhouse Utilisation in Off-Season, 16. Simplified Protected Agriculture Techniques - Plastic Mulches, 17. Simplified Protected Agriculture Techniques-Row Covers, 18. Advanced Protected Agriculture Systems-Liquid Hydroponics, 19. Advanced Protected Agriculture Systems - Aggregate Hydroponics, 20. Economics of Greenhouse Production
About the Author
Radha Manohar Kandukuri
, worked as Assistant Professor in Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGARU) between 1986 and 2000. He guided undergraduate research projects in the field of Greenhouse Technology, which were published in the reputed national and international journals. Presently he is on assignment in U.S.A.
C. Igathinathane, served as Assistent Professor in College of agricultutal Engineering, Bapatla for nine Years. Currently he is Carrying out his Post Doctorial Research in the Department of Bio-systems Engineering and Soil Science, University of tennessee, Knoxville, U.S.A. He had Guided Several Undergraduate research projects. He has Published Papers in International and National journals, besides authoring a Book and Two laboratory manuals

Detalles del Libro

Publicación digital
dic. 2020

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