
Novel Drug Delivery Systems

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As such Novel Drug Delivery is a huge area and number of books can be written. The students of undergraduate level need to know basics of this area. The book, Novel Drug Delivery System is a subject as per the syllabus prescribed by the Pharmacy Council of India for B. Pharm final year course. Therefore, the book has been written in accordance to the syllabus and the students will understand the various approaches for development, how to select the drugs and polymers, formulation and evaluation of novel drug delivery systems which includes controlled drug delivery systems, microcapsules, mucosal drug delivery systems, implantable drug delivery systems, transdermal drug delivery systems, gastro-retentive drug delivery systems, nasopulmonary drug delivery system, ocular drug delivery system, intrauterine drug delivery systems and fundamentals of nanotechnology. Anyone who will read this book will gain the basic knowledge about different types of formulations prepared and used as the Novel Drug Delivery Systems.
1. Controlled Drug Delivery Systems 2. Polymers 3. Microencapsulation 4. Mucosal Drug Delivery System 5. Implantable Drug Delivery Systems 6. Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems 7. Gastroretentive Drug Delivery Systems 8. Nasopulmonary Drug Delivery System 9. Nanotechnology and its Concepts 10. Ocular Drug Delivery Systems 11. Intrauterine Drug Delivery Systems
About the Authors:
DK Tripathi has been working as Professor & Principal of Rungta College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Bhilai, CG. He had been the Dean of Faculty and the Chairman of BOS, Pharmacy. He has completed his B. Pharm, M. Pharm and PhD degree from Jadavpur University, Kolkata. He has been in profession of Pharmacy since 1974 for about forty-five years. He possessed both industrial and academic experiences. He has successfully worked in various academic Institutions in West Bengal (HC Gorge Institute of Pharmacy, presently known as NSHM Knowledge Campus, Kolkata Bengal School of Technology, Chinsura), Odisha (Jayadev College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bhubaneswar) Madhya Pradesh (Patel Institute of Pharmacy, Bhopal) and in Chhattisgarh (Rungta College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Bhilai,) . During his work he has understood the need of the students for which he has authored five books– Pharmaceutics (Basic Principles and Formulations), Industrial Pharmacy (A Comprehensive Approach), Elementary Pharmaceutical Calculations, Carrier Opportunity in Pharmacy and on Pharmacovigilance. More than hundred research and review articles have been published in various National and International journals of repute. He has supervised about six scholars at PhD level and about fifty scholars at PG level.

Amit Alexander is working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutics at Rungta College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (RCPSR), Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India. He received the Doctorate Degree from the University Institute of Pharmacy, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India in 2015. He has an overall teaching experience of 11 years and 8 Years of Research Experience. He is also serving as a Review Editor in Frontier in Biomaterial Journal. He is also serving as a Reviewer in various reputed Journals like Biomacromolecules (ACS Publication); Journal of Neuroscience method (Elsevier); Material Science and Engineering (Elsevier); Neurochemistry International reviews (Elsevier); and Journal of Cellular Physiology (Wiley Online), etc. He is also contributing his scientific writing in various labs of different countries like the USA, GREECE, EGYPT, and TEHRAN. He won the title of “Young Scientist” (2013), recipient of P. D. Sethi Best Research Paper award (2013); recipient of the outstanding faculty of the year award (2016) by G.D.R., Educational society, etc. He is frequently contributing as a Grant Evaluator in Government Funding Agencies like Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), New Delhi, India and associated with various esteemed International journals as well.

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ene. 2021

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