
Object –Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML

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This book is intended for Graduate and Post-graduate students in Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology for the purpose of Object Oriented System Analysis and Design. This book covers details of UML (Unified Modeling Language) which is used to model software intensive systems.
  Various models supported by UML are thoroughly discussed in this book with suitable examples. The book covers the things, relationships and diagrams supported by UML in a simple language.
 The book illustrates two case-studies such as the Unified Library Application and ATM system. Every element of system Analysis and Design by using UML are explained in detail with examples.
  This book with title Object Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML help the readers.

Salient Features:

Understand what the UML is and its relevance to the system analysis and design of an object oriented system.To master the vocabulary of UML for developing models of software intensive systems.To learn the graphical language, UML for developing various structural models.Using specific UML features for drawing pictures depicting behavioral models of the system.To gain proficiency in UML through case study (Unified Library Application).This book is knowledgeable enough even for a layman.
Introduction to UML2. Basic Structural Modeling3.
Advanced Structural Modeling Advanced Classes4.
Advanced Relationships5. Interfaces, Types and Roles6.
Packages7. Instances8. Object Diagrams9. Basic Behavioral Modeling Interactions10.Interaction Diagrams11.Activity Diagrams12.Events and Signals13.State Machine14.Processes and Threads15.Time and Space16.Statechart Diagrams17.Architectural Modeling Components18.Architectural Modeling Deployment19.Architectural Modeling Component Diagrams20.Architectural Modeling Deployment Diagrams21.Case Studies The Unified Library Application22.Case Study ATM System
About the Authors:
K. Venugopal Reddy
is currently working as Associate Professor and Head of the Department in Computer Science and Engineering at Tudi Ram Reddy Institute of Technology and Sciences, Bibinagar, Hyderabad, India. He has over 23 years of experience out of which over 13 years in teaching and over 10 years in Software Industry. He had visited USA twice for Global assignments.
He has obtained his B.Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering from National Institute of Technology (N.I.T), Warangal (formally known as R.E.C) in 1989. He completed his M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from JNT University, Hyderabad. He attended many conferences and seminars in the field of Computer Science and Engineering. His current area of research includes Data Mining, Big Data and Cloud Computing.

Sampath Korra pursuing Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering  from JNT University, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India. He received his M.Tech in Software Engineering from Kakatiya University Warangal in 2006 and B.Tech degree in Computer Science and Information Technology from JNT University, Hyderabad in 2004. He is presently working as Associate Professor & Head in the Department of CSE at Siddhartha Institute of Technology and Sciences, Narapally, Hyderabad, India. He has over 12 years of teaching experience in various Computer Science and Engineering subjects at under Graduate and Post graduate level.
And also 6 years of research experience. He published many research articles in various national and international journals. He has attended many national, international Conferences / seminars and presented papers. His current research interests are software engineering, Cloud Computing and Big Data.

Detalles del Libro

ene. 2021

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