
Quality Assurance and Quality Management

€80,64 EUR
$90,00 USD

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Quality Assurance (QA) is a measure of the degree of sophistication of managerial, scientific and technical tools used in the design and implementation of product process of any industry. QA is the most vital function of Total Quality Management (TQM) in pharmaceutical industry. This book presents the basic concepts on various topics like QMS, GLP, GMP, Quality Audit, Statistical Quality Control and analytical methods for QA. The elements, requirement and interpretation of ISO 9000 series of QMS are presented in detail. The principles of GLP and GMP are discussed which are expected to guide the manufacturer and the regulator for maintaining high scientific and professional standards for ensuring only drugs of highest quality are produced and marketed. Each chapter is provided with a summary and typical questions and in Appendix, the latest information on the International Standards of QMS, GLP and GMP are included for ready reference. “As very few books are available on this important subject, this book will be very useful as text book for students of both graduate and post-graduate classes in Pharmacy, Analytical Chemistry and allied subjects. It shall serve as ready reference for scientific and management personnel working in various pharmaceutical industries for understanding the basic concepts and implementation of QA and QMS with latest guidelines”.
1. Introduction 2. Elements, Requirements and Interpretation of ISO 9001: 2000 Quality Management System 3. Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) 4. Methods of Analytical Quality Assurance (AQA) 5. Interpretation of Good Manufacturing Practice-Guide for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients 6. Statistical Quality Control 7. Quality Audit

Detalles del Libro

nov. 2020

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