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Satellite Meteorology

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Ever since the launch of the world's first weather satellite in 1960, satellite meteorology has had a phenomenal growth. What is all the more significant is that India has kept pace with the United States, Europe and Japan in this field. After the first edition of this book was published in 2006, satellite meteorology has made greater strides, particularly in India. This second edition of 2016 covers them all, making it the most up-to-date book on the subject. It can serve both as a university text book and as a guide for operational meteorologists. It has a wealth of technical information that can be a source of reference for scientists and research workers in atmospheric and environmental sciences, oceanography and remote sensing.The book deals withSatellite image interpretation techniquesEstimation of atmospheric, oceanic and land parameters from satellite dataMeasurement of parameters by active remote sensingTropical weather systems and monsoonsUse of satellite data for climate change applicationsIndia's INSAT and Kalpana satellite missionsFuture possibilities in satellite meteorology
Fundamentals 2. Weather Systems Observed in Satellite Imagery 3. Estimation of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Land Parameters 4. Measurement of Parameters by Active Sensors 5. Evolving Scenario
About the Authors:R. R. Kelkar was born on 19 December 1943 at Mumbai, and had his higher education at the University of Pune. He received his Ph. D. degree in Physics in 1971 for his thesis entitled “Role of Radiation in Atmospheric Circulation”. His first research contribution to the Indian Journal of Meteorology and Geophysics in 1969 was given the best paper award by the journal. He has since published over 50 research papers in various fields. Two of his books, “Monsoon Prediction” and “Climate Change - A Holistic View”, have been published by BSP Books recently.

Kelkar joined the India Meteorological Department in 1965, and he worked in the Satellite Meteorology Division of IMD between 1980 and 1994. He retired from IMD in 2003 as the Director General of Meteorology after serving in that capacity for six years. From 2004 to 2008, he was ISRO Space Chair Professor at the University of Pune.

Earlier, he was the President of the Indian Meteorological Society from1997 to 1999. He served as the Permanent Representative of India with the World Meteorological Organization, Geneva from 1999 to 2003 and was an elected Member of the WMO Executive Council.

Professor Kelkar is currently a member of the ISRO Advisory Committee on Space Sciences and the Governing Council of the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune. He is also a freelance writer and speaker.

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Publicación digital
ene. 2021

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