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Textbook of Engineering Mathematics

€116,48 EUR
$130,00 USD

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This book on mathematics is designed as a textbook for the first year students of engineering and technology. The book covers the syllabus prescribed in most of the Indian Universities. There are seven chapters in the book.
This book contains the following topics:
  · Calculus
  · Matrices
  · Differential Calculus -1
  · Differential Calculus -2
  · Beta, Gamma functions and Multiple Integrals
  · Vector Calculus
  · Differential Equations
  Every topic is treated in a systematic, logical and lucid manner. Each chapter in the book is supplemented with a number of worked out examples, as well as number of problems to be solved by the students. This would help in better understanding of the subject.
Contents0. Preliminaries, 1. Matrices, 2. Differential Calculus – I, 3. Differential Calculus – II, 4. Multiple Integrals, 5. Multiple Integrals, 6. Differential Equations
About the Authors
G.Shanker Rao, formerly the Head of the department of Mathematics at Government, Girraj PG college, Nizamabad, is presently a member of staff, at the department of mathematics at the University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad. He has nearly 37 years of experience in teaching Numerical Analysis, Graph theory, Statistics and Mathematical Modeling to the under graduate and post graduate students. A prolific writer, he has authored more than 25 books. His books include Numerical Analysis and Discrete Mathematical structures.

Detalles del Libro

Publicación digital
dic. 2020

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