
The Mystery of the Chamberlain: 15 Tales of Fiction Painting

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In the book The Mystery of Chamberlain, the author Gonzalo Ríos Araneda has recreated the emotional, psychological and ideological history that accompanied the execution of 15 fundamental pieces of the universal painting. A global narrative mosaic from the concrete man of the caves to the modern man of the whole 20th century. Neophytes and connoisseurs will be captivated by these narratives because of the uniqueness of their anthropological gaze in the face of the creative gesture of the great masters.

This is a beautiful book, a select book, in which intertextuality is present throughout the volume. A cultured book, which is fully understood, or at least better, by recognizing the eras and trends of the painters whose paintings inspired the various stories. (Poet José Miguel Ruiz, launch night, October 2015).

Detalles del Libro

abr. 2021

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