Publicación digital

Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation and Reconstruction of Sustainable Society

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Disasters are unstoppable natural and anthropogenic impacts which can be mitiged by suitable engineering and management options.Mitigation and Management of disasters requires a multi disciplinary approach and building requisite skills and capabilities adequate to deal with whole cycle of disaster management – Prevention, Mitigation, Preparedness, response, relief and rehabilitation.Most of the papers presented by authors in Disaster Preparednesss, Mitigation and reconstruction of sustainable society “Focused on the influence and impact of technology adoption of mitigation and management of Disaters.
Statistical Analysis of Rainfall Data and Estimation of Peak Flood Discharge for Ungauged Catchments, 2: Geo-Environmental Factors for Assessing Sedimentation- A CaseStudy of Thatipudi Reservoir, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India, 3: Mangroves – The Coastal Green Buffer Zone, 4: Shoreline Modeling Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Case Study of Visakhapatnam Coast, Andhra Pradesh State, 5: Assessment of Waterbalance Using Swat for Drought Prone Arid Regions, 6: Assessment of Ground Water Quality of L.B. Nagar, Hyderabad and Impact of Industries Closure, 7: Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation and Reconstruction of Sustainable Society, 8: Modeling Ground Water Vulnerability using DRASTIC Analysis and GIS, 9: Forecast Of Reservoir Sediment Trap Efficiency Using Artificial Neural Networks, 10: Real Time Early Response Systems for Natural Disaster Management – A Critical Review, 11: An Overview of Indian Disaster and its Mitigation Strategies, 12: Building Information Modeling a Reliable Tool for Construction, 13: Seismic Strengthening of Plan Irregular RC Buildings with Re-Entrant Corners Using Shearwalls, 14: Response Spectra Analysis of Symmetric and Asymmetric Buildings with Variation in Natural Period and Soil Strata, 15: Structural Health Monitoring Using Metal wire based Piezo-Impedance Transducer, 16: Bhuj & Nepal
Earthquakes: Technical Fall-outs and Lessons to be Learnt, 17: Nepal Earthquake 2015: Damage to Buildings, 18: Study on Effect of Storey Height on the Seismic Performance of Tall Braced Buildings, 19: Disaster Resilient Construction – National Disaster Management Guidelines: A Review.

Detalles del Libro

Publicación digital
dic. 2020

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