
Research Methodology and Quantitative Methods

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This book provides insight into the research aspect with regard to the procedure of taking up research problem, objectives, methodology etc. Two chapters 'Scale Construction Methods' and 'Elementary Decision Theory' are useful for students of 'Business Management' and 'Planning' for taking up research projects as well as in their career as business administrators. Good number of chapters are included on statistical tools which are required for analysis of data collected through surveys and experiments. The practical oriented examples which are directly applicable in the field are included and also their interpretation of results. A chapter on Non-Parametric Tests is included to analyse the data when the data collected are of scores type. Further a chapter on the procedure for presentation of M. Phil, M. Tech and Ph.D. theses is included.
 The book serves as a text book for MBA, MABM and B. Tech (Planning) and M. Tech (Planning) students for whom 'Quantitative Methods' is taught as a course, and also is quite useful for Ph.D. scholars in Biological, Social and Agricultural Sciences.

Salient Features
Written in lucid manner so that even non-mathematics students can apply the statistical tools in their research work for proper analysis of data.Immense help to faculty who are guiding the students in their research work for the award of M. Phil, M. Tech and Ph.D. degrees.
Introduction, 2. Research Process, 3. Methods and Materials, 4. Sampling Methods, 5. Scale Construction Methods, 6. Elementary Decision Theory, 7. Collection of Data, 8. Data Organization, 9. Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion, 10. Tests of Hypotheses, 11. Chi-square Distribution, 12. Correlation and Regression, 13. Analysis of Variance, 14. Time Series and Index Numbers, 15. Non-Parametric Tests, 16. Elementary Queuing Theory, 17. Multivariate Statistical Methods, 18. Report Writing
About the Authors

Gadiraju Nageshwara Rao
has retired as Associate Dean, Professor and University Head, Department of statistics and Mathematics, college of Agriculture, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad. He has more than 46 years of teaching experience and has published 48 research papers in National and International Journals. 
Dr. Rao was awarded 'best teacher award' by Government of Andhra Pradesh in 2000. He was a visiting Professor to Temple University, Philadelphia, U.S.A. in 1998 and visisted Australia, Thailand and Philippines University on Study assignment. 

He guided 300 M.Sc. and 150 Ph.D. students in the faculties of Agriculture, Veterinary and Home science in statistical Methodology in thesis work as a minor advisor. He was coauthor of text book statistics for Agricultural Sciences and another Book Biostatistics and Computer Applications both published by B.S. Publications.  
Presently he is visiting Professor to Acharaya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad and Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University, Hyderabad. He is also external consultant to world Bank Project on 'Community Based Tank Management system of Andhra Pradesh.

Detalles del Libro

dic. 2020

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